August 20, 2024

2024 Invoke Off-Site Recap

Last month we held our annual Invoke Off-Site where we looked back at our team, shipped products, feedback from clients, and what to look forward to as a business. Here’s a snapshot of what we covered.

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We've been growing accounts and winning work without forced upselling or paid marketing. All of this was done authentically, by collaborating with out clients and partners, delivering great work, building novel solutions to interesting problems.

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AI at Invoke

Our Machine Learning Engineer, Martin, gave us a “state of AI” update from last year, and summarized a year of Invoke AI learnings, reviewing tools that have helped our workflows as well as our relationship with AI:

  • AI Chatbots take the win: Almost all Invokers who use AI tools use AI chatbots. ChatGPT remains the most popular
  • AI tools that fit our needs: Products we already use (i.e Miro and Codium) are releasing game-changing AI features and capabilities
  • Be mindful of data biases; be critical of responses and results. AI helps and sparks the way, but humans have the final say
  • Learn about how we create smarter workflows with Machine Learning
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You Shape Invoke

As a small, 20-person team, every (internal or external) interaction matters to the culture, reputation, and growth of Invoke. Our team heard from Invoke alumni how their experience of Invoke was what they made of it. Then our Senior Ops Manager, Kiara, had us pair up for a freehand portrait art project. The activity was a creative way to remind us of how we can show up for each other.

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Thank you to our clients and partners for being a part of our journey!

With gratitude and excitement of what's ahead of us, we look forward to continued growth and helping product ideas get validated to thrive in the wild.


2024 Invoke Off-Site Recap